Investing carries inherent risks. The value of your investment may fluctuate significantly, which can result in substantial losses, including the potential to lose the entire amount you have invested. This is particularly true for volatile markets or speculative investments, where rapid changes in value are common.
Key Takeaway: Be prepared for the possibility of losing your entire investment.
Nebeus investments may not qualify for protection under compensation schemes like FOGAIN. If the company fails, or the investment does not perform as expected, your ability to recover lost funds could be extremely limited. Regulatory compensation schemes and investor protections may not cover high-risk or speculative investments, and any recourse may be available only in specific, limited cases.
Key Takeaway: You may not be covered by compensation schemes if something goes wrong with your investment.
You may encounter difficulties when attempting to sell or exit your investment, particularly in volatile markets or due to operational or technical issues. Delays may result from market demand fluctuations, cyber-attacks, outages, or other technical failures. As a result, you might not be able to sell your assets at the desired time or price.
Key Takeaway: Liquidity risks could prevent you from selling your investment when you want.
Investments offered by Nebeus may involve complex financial products. These investments often require a comprehensive understanding of market operations, which can make it difficult to fully assess the associated risks. If you are unfamiliar with the market or the product, it is crucial to research extensively or consult with a financial advisor.
Key Takeaway: Nebeus investments can be complex, and it is essential to thoroughly understand them before investing.
Focusing your funds on a single investment or high-risk products exposes you to heightened risk. Spreading your investments across different asset classes can reduce overall risk. We recommend limiting your exposure to high-risk investments to no more than 10% of your overall portfolio.
Key Takeaway: Diversifying your investments helps manage risk and protect against significant losses.
Investing in high-risk products, like those offered by Nebeus, requires a solid understanding of both the opportunities and the associated risks. Always ensure that you are informed and prepared for the potential outcomes before proceeding.
For more personalized advice, consider consulting with a qualified financial advisor.